The Blue Art Project

Being creative and living in the moment

The Alien is Dormant

I received wonderful news today. My 8  month follow-up to see if the hemangioma inside my spinal column had any changes and it had not changed. The shaft they created 5 years  to take the pressure off my spinal cord was still wide , and the tumor has not grown. We are finally getting the baseline that was needed since I never had a post op MRI until 4 and 1/2 years later.  So off to Duke Medical Center next week to see the other Doctor following my case. I still don’t have the answers to why I have chronic pain, it is mostly under control but I am happy. The Alien is dormant like it is supposed to be.

Tonight I can dream about finding our first home and not worry or have nightmares of having another surgery.

I have turned another corner and moving forward, sometime we must accept that there is not an answer.

I will have a wonderful nights sleep.


Until next time

Dream Big

Live Large


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